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Smart or Globe

Smart or globe? find out here. who is texting you or calling you from what network? UPDATED

Mobile number PREFIXES (Globe, TM, Smart, talk-n text smart and Sun Cellular)

Do you want to know which mobile phone number belongs to which (Globe, TM, Smart, talk-n text smart, and Sun Cellular) network? Below is a list of mobile number prefixes used by Globe, Smart,
Sun Cellular, Red Mobile, talk-n text, and Touch Mobile.

This list is
useful for those who often subscribe to unlimited text or call services in Bohol Philippines.

UPDATE! 0955 or 0956 are new prefixes from Globe Telcom

Globe BUG! been using this for 5 years here in Bohol..
Globe is using two (2) and “http.globe.com.ph” and “www.globe.com.ph”
The http.globe.com.ph (AKA Globe Inet) is the default APN – This APN is fast and stable, but this is also the APN that is capped (throttled) when abused.

The www.globe.com.ph (MyGlobeConnect) – Not as fast as above, but it gives true unlimited internet. This is the APN we will use, but we’re not finished yet.

globe 30-day bug

1. Send GOCTCOMBODD32 to 8080 and wait for the confirmation
2. Send GOCOMBOAKCOF139 to 8080 and wait for the confirmation

a. Send GT5 to 8080 for additional 1000 texts: You can subscribe from 7 AM-9 AM (PhP5.00)
b. Send GOTXTALLD20 to 8080 for additional 1000 texts (PhP20.00): In case you weren’t able to register to GT5 within the allotted time slot.
c. Send GOCTCOMBODD32 to 8080 for additional 1000 texts and 500 call mins (PhP32.00)
d. Send GOCALLD20 to 8080 for additional 500 call mins (PhP20.00). Or use GOCTCOMBOGKA14 for only PhP14.

Text Bug ONLY for PhP288 (Pack 1)
Provided Service: 1020 Allnet texts, 510 mins TM/Globe calls, 1GB internet data package
The subscription is Good for 30 days
1. Send GOCOMBOCHAF224 to 8080 and wait for the confirmation
2. Send GOCOMBODAD64 to 8080 and wait for the confirmation
3. Done. You can add other promos such as:

a. Send GOCTCOMBOGKA14 to 8080 for additional 500 call mins (PhP14). If this code is not working, send GOCSCOMBOGAA17 for PhP17 or GOCOMBOGKAA18 for PhP18.
b. Send GOTSCOMBOHAA17 to 8080 for additional 1000 allnet texts (PhP17). If this code is not working, send GOTXTALLD20 for PhP20 or GOCOMBOAHAA20 for PhP20.
c. Send GOCOMBOGHAA24 to 8080 for additional 1000 allnet texts and 500 mins call (PhP24).
d. Send GOTSCOMBOKEA37 to 8080 for additional 1GB data (PhP37). If not working, send GOCOMBOAKEA38 for PhP38.
e. Send GOCOMBOGKEA42 to 8080 for additional 20 allnet texts, 500 call mins, and 1GB consumable data (PhP42).
f. Send GOCOMBODDD71 to 8080 for additional 1000 allnet texts, 500 call mins, and 1GB consumable data (PhP71).

Text and Call Bug for PhP171 (Pack 2)
Provided Service: 1020 Allnet texts and 510 call mins
The subscription is Good for 30 days
1. Send GOCTCOMBODD32 to 8080 and wait for the confirmation
2. Send GOCOMBOAKCOF139 to 8080 and wait for the confirmation
3. Done. You can add other promos such as:

a. Send GT5 to 8080 for additional 1000 texts: You can subscribe from 7 AM-9 AM (PhP5.00)
b. Send GOTXTALLD20 to 8080 for additional 1000 texts (PhP20.00): In case you weren’t able to register to GT5 within the allotted time slot.
c. Send GOCTCOMBODD32 to 8080 for additional 1000 texts and 500 call mins (PhP32.00)
d. Send GOCALLD20 to 8080 for additional 500 call mins (PhP20.00). Or use GOCTCOMBOGKA14 for only PhP14.
d. Send GOCALLD20 to 8080 for additional 500 call mins (PhP20.00). Or use GOCTCOMBOGKA14 for only PhP14

Text and Surf Bug for Only PhP230 (Pack 3)
Provided Service: 1000 allnet texts and 1GB internet data package
The subscription is Good for 30 days
1. Send GOTSCOMBOKEA37 to 8080 and wait for the confirmation
2. Send GOTSCOMBOHAF193 to 8080 and wait for the confirmation
3. Done. You can add other promos such as:

a. Send GOTSCOMBOKEA37 to 8080 for an additional 1GB of internet data (PhP37.00). If the code is not working, use GOCOMBOAKEA38 for PhP38.
b. Send GOTSCOMBOHAA17 to 8080 for additional 1000 texts (PhP17.00)

Text and Surf Bug for Only PhP198 (Pack 4)
Provided Service: 1000 Allnet texts and 810MB internet data package
The subscription is Good for 30 days
1. Send GOTSCOMBOHAF193 to 8080 and wait for the confirmation
2. Send GT5 to 8080 and wait for the confirmation (can only be subscribed during 7-9 AM).
3. Done. You can add other promos such as:

a. Send GT5 to 8080 for additional 1000 texts and 800MB. You can subscribe from 7 AM-9 AM only (PhP5.00)
c. Send GOTXTALLD20 to 8080 for additional 1000 texts (PhP20.00): In case you weren’t able to register to GT5 within the allotted time slot.

Text, Call, and Surf Bug for Only PhP246 (Pack 5)
Provided Service: 1020 Allnet texts, 510 call mins, and 1GB internet data package
The subscription is Good for 30 days
1. Send GOCOMBOAHAF204 to 8080 and wait for the confirmation
2. Send GOCOMBOGKEA42 to 8080 and wait for the confirmation
3. Done. You can add other promos such as:

a. Send GOCOMBOGKEA42 to 8080 for additional 1000 allnet texts, 500 call mins, and 1GB internet data (PhP42.00)
b. Send GOTSCOMBOKEA37 to 8080 for an additional 1GB of internet data (PhP37.00)
c. Send GT5 to 8080 for additional 1000 texts and 800MB (PhP5.00, during 7-9 AM only)
d. Send GOCTCOMBODD32 to 8080 for additional 1000 texts and 500 call mins (PhP32.00)

Text, Call, and Surf Bug for Only PhP776 (Pack 6)
Provided Service: 1020 Allnet texts, 510 call mins, and unlimited internet
The subscription is Good for 30 days
1. Send GOCOMBOAKFF744 to 8080 and wait for the confirmation
2. Send GOCTCOMBODD32 to 8080 and wait for the confirmation
3. Done. You can add other promos such as:

a. Send GOCTCOMBODD32 to 8080 for additional 500 call mins and 1000 all net texts (PhP32.00)
b. Send GT5 to 8080 for additional 1000 texts and 800MB (PhP5.00, during 7-9 AM only)
c. Send GOCTCOMBOGKA14 to 8080 for additional 500 call mins (PhP14.00)

How to Check the Status of Your Promos?
Send GOSAKTO STATUS to 8888.

How to Extend Your Existing Promos for Another Month?
Pack 1 – Extend Allnet Texts, Globe/TM Calls, and Internet Data: Send GOCOMBOCHAF224 to 8080 (PhP224.00)
Pack 2 – Extend Allnet Texts and Globe/TM Call: Send GOCOMBOAKCOF139 to 8080 (PhP139.00)
Pack 3 – Extend Allnet Texts and Internet Data: Send GOTSCOMBOHAF193 to 8080 (PhP193.00)
Pack 4 – Extend Allnet Texts and Internet Data: Send GOTSCOMBOHAF193 to 8080 (PhP193.00)
Pack 5 – Extend Allnet Texts, Globe/TM Call, and Internet Data: Send GOCOMBOAHAF204 to 8080 (PhP204.00)
Pack 6 – Extend Globe/TM Texts and Call and Internet Data: Send GOCOMBOAKFF744 to 8080 (PhP744.00)

0813 Smart
0817 Globe
0905 Globe or Touch Mobile
0906 Globe or Touch Mobile
0907 Smart or Talk N Text
0908 Smart or Talk N Text
0909 Smart or Talk N Text
0910 Smart or Talk N Text
0912 Smart or Talk n Text
0915 Globe or Touch Mobile
0916 Globe or Touch Mobile
0917 Globe
09178 Globe postpaid
0918 Smart
0919 Smart or Talk n Text
0920 Smart, Talk N Text, Addict Mobile
0921 Smart or Talk N Text
0922 Sun Cellular
0923 Sun Cellular
0925 Sun Cellular
0926 Globe or Touch Mobile
0927 Globe or Touch Mobile
0928 Smart or Talk N Text
0929 Smart or Talk N Text
0930 Smart, Talk N Text, Red Mobile
0932 Sun Cellular
0933 Sun Cellular
0934 Sun Cellular
0935 Globe or Touch Mobile
0936 Globe or Touch Mobile
0937 Globe or Touch Mobile
0938 Smart, Talk N Text, Red Mobile
0939 Smart, Talk N Text, Red Mobile
0942 Sun Cellular
0943 Sun Cellular
0946 Talk N Text
0947 Smart
0948 Smart or Talk N Text
0949 Smart or Talk N Text
0973 Extelcom
0974 Extelcom
0977 Next Mobile (globe)
0979 Next Mobile (globe)
0989 Smart or Talk N Text
0994 Globe
0996 Globe or Touch Mobile
0997 Globe or Touch Mobile
0998 Smart
0999 Smart (old Umobile prefix)